What the f*%K??

Just been reading the news on fijilive and the breaking news is:

Weleilakeba, board ousted in FHL coup
14 JUN 2008

There have been major changes within the Fijian Holdings Limited hierarchy with reports that chief executive Sitiveni Weleilakeba’s employment has been terminated by the board.While there has been no independent confirmation, a One National News report says a new board has taken over the company’s operations in a boardroom coup.It also reports that senior military officer Colonel Mohammed Aziz, who is FHL deputy chairman, has resigned.FHL board members reportedly ousted include Josaia Mar, Tui Malekai, Moh’d Asif Razak, Weleilakeba, Ioane Naiveli and Alice Tabete.Three board members who remain are lawyer Ulaiasi Baya, businessman Robin Storck and FDB CEO Isoa Kaloumaira.Former Housing Authority CEO  Sereana Qoro has been appointed Group Managing  Director.Fijilive’s attempts to contact Weleilakeba remained futile because his mobile phone was switched off.Comments have also been sought from the FHL board.

Then read through a posting by blogger Island Boy which read:

Sorry to digress folks. Anyone read about the takeover at FHL. Colonel Aziz gets the Dep Chair’s job. This is the piece on fijilive

Weleilakeba, board ousted in FHL coup
14 JUN 2008

There have been major changes within the Fijian Holdings Limited hierarchy with reports that chief executive Sitiveni Weleilakeba’s employment has been terminated by the board.

While there has been no independent confirmation, a One National News report says a new board has taken over the company’s operations in a boardroom coup.

It also reports that senior military officer – Colonel Mohammed Aziz – has been appointed FHL deputy chairman.

Board members reportedly ousted in the FHL board include Josaia Mar, Tui Malekai, Moh’d Asif Razak and Weleilakeba.

Two board members who remain are lawyer Ulaiasi Baya and businessman Robin Storck.

Fijilive’s attempts to contact Weleilakeba remained futile because his mobile phone was switched off.

Comments have also been sought from the FHL board.


First of all, is that boci Aziz in our out of the Board? How did he came into the Board in the first place? This is a Taukei Company owned by individual Taukei shareholders, Mataqali, provincial and yavusa investors.

How did that little snake Ulaiasi Baya got in. Okay, he’s a lawyer but what has he got that makes him stand out from the other lawyers. Has he ever won a case in Fiji or is he another Rajend Chaudary, too much noise but now substance. Base on his short reputation in Fiji, he came in and started working on special projects drafting Taukei land rights bills for the Qarase Government based on his expertise in Australia and as soon as he secured an LLM scholarship via the government he leaves without notice attracting the wrath of Qoroniasi Bale. Now he is back sucking up to this bunch of thieves in government, and suddenly, he is a board member of Fijian Holdings and ear marked as the next General Manager for NLTB. Something he now boasts openly to his relatives about. Can the Australian High Commission please take note and as of now rescind his permanent residency status.

Do the people know that he has a long chequered love affair history with the illustrious Mary Jane. Ever since his USP days, his days up in Queensland and now in Fiji he has been a pot smoking rastafarian with the trade mark hairstyle, blood shot eyes and frail built. My oh my what a sad lot, first it’s the pot smoking Director of the Fiji Human Rights Commission and now it’s the Ganja smoking NLTB General Manager to be and FHL Board member. This illegal self proclaimed government sure knows how to attract the right kind, not forgetting that Pryde, and that person they selected as Election Commissioner. And not forgetting their chief witness, that Australian Conman, what’s his name? Birds of the same feathers surely do really flock together, eh people?

And Sereana Qoro taking over Siti’s job, well Siti you just have to blame yourself for that one as your head were too over the clouds at times thinking you knew it all. Little did you know that the long knives were being drawn by conniving ones in your inner circle for a long time. And with Daddy Cupit gone, you shoud have seen this coming and kept your guard much higher.  The pet you were feeding had now turned around and bitten you hand when you should have learned from her track record at Housing Authority.

Finally, at the Accountants Convention today, Richard Naidu ask chartered accountants for a show of hands as to who among them thinks the illegal (he did not use that term) government is not business/investor friendly. Well, the show of hand was 100% among the audience of more than 300 members. Need I say more, when business experts have made their statement?

Fijian Holdings Limited is the most successful company controlled by Taukeis and this mob in government, yes I will have to say, the so called political leaders supported by the Indian Community in Mahendra Chaudary are hell bent on destroying it. Let us start calling a spade a spade, no longer Mr nice guy I have finally spitted the dummy on this one, and the benefit of the doubt I have always given the Indian electors are over. Mehendra Chaudary has been overwhelmingly supported by the Indian Community over the last few elections and he is hell bent on destroying us Taukeis economically, culturally, and politically. So there is subtance in saying that there is a large group of Indians (I acknowledge that there are sane ones represented by Richard Naidu and Warden Narsey) that do not want equality in the commercial arena and they are hell bent on creating genocide against us the Tauke because these are people that constantly elect those who are now 100% focus on destroying the Taukei!!!!

This is now the time to take up arms because our flesh and blood in the military have been brainwashed and would rather murder us then turn away from Voreqe (the Pig) and Chaudary (the Snake). They (the soldiers who are our first cousins, nephews, uncles etc. are no longer part of us but part of them and that is the line I am drawing in the sand right now. My flesh and blood in the military are nolonger my kind and I nolonger have that brotherly and kinsman love for them. Its over, unless they leave the military and return to the village. Such is the sacrifice they must make as we will all have to make a sacrifice in one way or another either directly or indirectly for the sake of our future as a race and a nation of the Taukei People and for our childrens sake. Any right thinking person in the military or supporters of the illegal government should have read between the lines by now given the path those in power are taking, to use Driti’s infamous line.

Let me ask you all a question. They are preaching equality but look at the Indians. They control 99% of the commercial sector. They were given a head start while our forefathers needed permission from the Colonial Masters, if they needed to leave the village to go and do some business in the city. Therefore, the affirmative actions by previous government including the creation of Fijian Holdings was done as an attempt to fast tracking the Taukei into the commercial sector since it is a known factor that when one section of the community  totally dominates the nations commercial wealth, resentment will eventually arise leading to a pressure cooker situation. Look what happened to Germany leading to the quick rise of Hitler. This was a possibility in Fiji so our previous leaders including Qarase were merely trying to implement something to avoid such a future tragedy. It is not racist or discrimination but an attempt to bring one ethnic community up to closely equal another. Even closer to home, the reason for the problems in the Solomons was because of domination of the civil service by one commuity drawing the resentment of another (Malaita against Guadalcanal).

You guys running government now, take note, that once the perception of those in the military change, you’d bette have your arses plugged with expensive tampons because the shits will be flying all over the place. If the same military can now be supporting Indians, when they were so nationalistic in 1987 and 2000, then their view will change again in future as the pendulum swings again to the opposite direction. Such is the law of nature and what goes around comes around. So be prepared!!! .

Back to us Taukei. yes, the problem with us Fijians is we want everything done for us. We cry for affirmative actions, we want our qoliqoli rights, we want our NLTA, but when our enemies come in and blatantly start dismantling what our champions, like Qarase, had fought hard for over the years for us. What do we do? We say in God’s time, lets wait and see, blah blah blah as we expect someone eles rather then I should rise and fight this government or fight for us. Hey people, God helps those who help themselves. Apartheid in South Africa would not have come down if the students of Soweto did not rise up or Mendela was prepared to rot in jail for almost three decades. The opposition of our chiefs such as the Rokotui Dreketi or the Tui Cakau will come to nought if we do not go there and fight their battles as foot soldiers.

We had better start doing something for ourselves if we do not want to end up like aboriginal races everywhere such as Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia and the Americas. The time for words are long gone. The time for action is now. What are you waiting for????

Ki vei kemuni na noda ka ko ni taukeni shares tu e na Fijian Holdings Limted kei na Units e na Fijian Holdings Unit Trust, na cava tale meu kaya. E sa tagi na yaloqu niu sarava na matanimeke oqo. Oqo e sega ni vakamalolo se seasea. Oqo na nodra qumuloaloa ni valu na vulagi ka ra sa meketaka sara tiko ga na meke ni valu, oya na wesi kei na meke i wau me ra sa valuti keda na kawai taukei.

Noqui vakasala, ni kakua sara ni taqaya ia e na gauna oqo mo ni sa tekivu wasea na vanua ko ni maroroi lavo kina me sa kua ni vakatabaki dua ga e na Fijian Holdings. Me vaka e ra dau kaya na kena dau, kakua ni biuta kecega na nomu yaloka e na dua nai su (Don’t leave all your investment eggs in one basket) baleta ke lakolako e taloka se kabasu nai su oya me kakua ni kavoro kece na nomu yaloka. Mo veibiuyaka na nomu yaloka e na vica vata nai su me laki ovici ka vakamareqete koto kina me rawa ni vakalutuyaloka tale. Kenai balebale, ke mani kabasu e dua nai su, e sa bula tiko koi ratou na kena vo.

Volitaka sobu vakamalua na nomu share kei na unit trust ka tekivu mo sa vakaraica e so tale na kabani mo vakacuruilavo kina. Sega ni kenai balebale mo sa volitaka laivi kece na nomu shares ni Fijan Holdings. Ia sa ka bibi mo nanuma tiko ni sa veisau na kena manidia kei ira e ra tiko e na board e sega ni dua e sa bau dau ni cicivaki bisinisi vaka dede me vaka beka nia se tu e kea ko Lyle Cupit se Weleilakeba, se Jo Mar. Ko ira e ra sa vakadinadina taki oti (have a track record) ni rawa ni ra cicivaka e dua na bisinisi. Oqo e dua na ka ka ra dau vakaraica na voli shares e na dua na kabani. Ke sa liutaka ko Aziz, matai ni ka e lawyer ka sotia. Ke ko tauvi mate o na sega ni lako vua e dua na dau vavi madrai me vakabulai iko, se vakaevei? Ia sega ni kainaki mo sa volitaka kece na nomu shares ni ka mo wasea ka veibuyaka e na so tale na vanua ni vakacurui lavo vakatubu. Au via dusia mo laki taroga na nodratou unit trust na westpac kei na ANZ ka biuta kina e so nai lavo ko sa rawata e na nomu volitaka na nomu share e na FHL. Dua talega na vanua vinaka na nodratou Managed Fund na Colonial. E dina ni vaka shares na matanitu e na Colonial ia e shares levuduadua e na Colonial e dua na baqe levu ni Ositerelia oya na Commonwealth Bank.

Ke ko ni raica e na noqui vakasala e cake, au vakatura tiko yani e tolu na kabani ka ratou taukeni mai vanua tani. Na vuna oqo, e na gauna e da sa ciciva tiko oqo era sa suguraki ira mai na tabu coki ka ra sega ni kila e dua na ka e na bisinisi ni ra dau tu ga e nai soqosoqo ni tamata cakacaka, tabana ni lawa, ka so era vakatavasa wale tu ga me ra mai cici vaka na vei kabani lelevu ka noda nai taukei se nona na matanitu. Ni raica na ka e sa yaco tikoqo e na vere levusa buki tiko e na Air Pacific. Okoya gona e sa ka bibi kina vei iko ke ko via vakacurui lavo e na voli shares se voli units e na managed funds me vaka na unit trust se mani shares e na kabani ka volitaki tu na kena shares, vakaraica vakamalua ocei e cici vaka na kabani. Ke ra dabe tu kina e na board na dau ni vika lelevu me vaka taki Ilaitia Boila se dau ni bisinisa me vaka taki Kanti Lal Tappoo se Vinod Patel ia o ni na kila nira cicivaka na bisinisi oqori na kenadau. E na gauna oqo qarauna vakavinaka na vei bisinisi e ra sa lai vakasawiliwili tu kina na totaka tiko na matanitu butabutako oqo ni ra dau kaya ga “Birds of the same feathers flock together” se ra veimalia wai vataga na tamata ca se veikilai ga na toa ni Qamea.

kenai otioti, ke ko sa yacova na yabaki ni vakacegu sa kenai gauna oqo mo sa kauta tani vakatotolo mai kina ki tuba na nomui lavo mai na FNPF baleta nisa tekivu toso tiko yani qo kina dua na gauna vakaloloma na kena bula vakailavo. Na leqa oqo esa yaco oti e na nodrai lavo ni vakacegu maroroi na tamata cakacaka mai Papua Niu Kini kei na Solomone. O ratou na tiko oqo e na kena board na FNPF e ra yavu joke kece e na cicivaki ni lavo. Manidia levu, o jeameni Vocea erau tu ga e na tabana ni matanitu, Kenavo era dau tu ga e na soqosoqo ni tamata cakacaka. Sega ni tu e loma e dua se rua na dua ni bisinisi ka ra sa kila na kena vakatuburi nai lavo. Ke se yawa nomu gauna ni vakacegu, dreta tani mai tuba e dua na kenai wase me nomu deposit e na voli ni dua na nomu vale se property, ke sega dreta mai na kena levu e tuba mo laki vuli tale e na vuli toro cake se na nodra vuli na luvemu. Oqo e sa nomu investment talega. Na vuna oqo, mo saga e na kenai gu me lailai na nomui lavo e tu ekea baleta ke kasura se baqaravu na FNPF, e na sa na yali vakadua na nomui lavo musuki. E vinaka caka, me vaka ni da lakova tiko e dua na gauna voravora qo, dreta mai e dua na kenai wase levu ki tuba ka veibiuyaka e na vei sala tale eso ni maroroi lavo ka ratou vakatara me vaka na voli shares, deposit ni voli vale, se me mai yaga rawa vei ratou na nomu vuvale e nai curucuru ni vuli ki USP se na vuli torocake e vanua tani ka sa rawa ni caka koroi ga ni ko tiko e Viti ka sa vuli ga e na mona livaliva (distance mode). Ia e na gauna ko sa vakacegu kina, sa rawa ni veivuke vei iko me nomu veniseni ni gauna ni vakacegu na kena ko sa voli shares tu kina kei na koya ko sa voli vale kina, ka qai kenai kuri na kena e se vo koto e na FNPF. Me vaka ga nai vakasala au sa kaya koto e liu, kakua ni biuta kece na nomu yaloka ni maroroi lavo e na dua ai su (FNPF), taura tani mai e so ka tawana tale e na so tale nai su de lakolako e kalamu ka mimi na FNPF, e sa ra tu me ra vueti iko ka vakacoko taki iko na vei su se basikete tale e so.

Kenai tinitini, au via kaya ga yani ni oqo na rai se vakasala mai na dua na dau ni lavo, ia e vinaka mo taro vakasala tale ki na so tale na kena dau ni bera ni ko qai vakatauca na nomu lewa me baleta na nomui yau. Ka mo ni nauma vinaka nai vakasala ni Vola Tabu, “na vanua sa tiko kina nomui yau sa tiko kina na yalomu” 

Sa dri yani, sa kena levu,


97 Responses to “What the f*%K??”

  1. Vakatakilai Says:

    Sai vakasala vinaka dina sa vakaraitaki toka e cake me da muria ke da vinakata me bula na nomuni investment ena FHL.

    Sa teri vunitaki tale e dua na ka. Era sa cakacaka vakadoudou na vulagi ka ra sa qai vakayagataki tu na noda liga ni wau me ra yadravi keda tale tu de da via vorata na toso qo.

    Au duavata kei Kutu ena tagi ni lomaqu baleta ni sa ra teri rere na i lawalawa butabutako qo me ra sa tekivu basuraka sobu na veika sa bau cici rawa tu ka sa caka i lavo toka vei keda nai taukei.

    Sa gauna me da sa na vakasama vakayalomatua kina nai taukei ka me sa na valuti na meca levu qo ena veisala ka sa na rawa ni tarovi kina na vakacaca levu sa yaco tiko.

  2. Say true! Says:

    To the International Community

    It is so unfair that the unelected rulers are tearing down Fijian institutions both from ancient times to the modern era.

    It was without a doubt the most sucessful Fijian venture ever to date, and was thriving.

    Fijians were only trying to catch up with the local and global pace of Economics and to improve themselves.

    They may have been some self serving individuals, like in any large corporation, but it’s intention was for the masses. If there had been any wrong doing that it should have been substantiated with facts and gone through the normal audit and legal process like any civilised society.

    I couldn’t help but pull this out of the Fijian Holdings Website: It is self explanatory.

    :: WHO WE ARE

    Founded in 1984 as a response by the Fijian Chiefs and people to accelerate Fijian participation in the economy, Fijian Holdings today is a successful and profitable Fijian Enterprise which has become a major player in Fiji’s corporate sector. Its shareholders include Provincial Councils, the Native Land Trust Board, the Fijian Affairs Board, Tikina and village groups, Fijian co-operatives, individual Fijians and family companies. It’s investmentsgive Fijians significant shareholding in major companies thus helping to achieve the national objective of bringing indigenous Fijians fully into the mainstream of the country’s economic life. Fijian Holdings has also broadened the scope of its training programme wherein young Fijians are prepared and groomed for businesses utilising the resources of its associates and subsidiary companies.

    :: Corporate Profile
    Fijian Holdings Limited

    Fijian Holdings Limited (FHL) is a local equity investment company, with investments in 23 companies in Fiji. Of those, 9 are subsidiary companies with over 50% shareholding. FHL has investments in almost all sectors of the Fiji economy, including tourism (34.8%), manufacturing (15.5%), building & construction (11%), property (10.5%), media & communication (4.5%) and finance(15.7%).

    The subsidiaries of FHL in the different sectors are:

    – Basic Industries Limited (50.1%)
    – Fiji Industries Ltd (50.1%)

    – Blue Lagoon Cruises Holdings Limited (100%)

    – Fijian Property Trust Company Limited (89.7%)
    – Hinterland Company Limited (100%)

    – Merchant Finance and Investment Co. Ltd (80%)
    – FHL Securities Ltd (100%)
    – Fijian Holdings Trust Management Ltd (100%)

    – Communication Pacific Ltd (100%)

    :: Core Purpose
    The principal reason for Fijian Holdings Limited’s existence is:

    “To accelerate the participation of the Fijian People in the corporate sector and in doing so enhance their socio-economic standing within the community.”

    :: Vision
    “Fijian Holdings Limited aspires to become the leading investment company in the South Pacific Region”

    :: Mission Statement
    FHL is committed to the achievement of its mission statement as set out below:
    1. We will achieve consecutive years of profitable growth.
    2. We will be the preferred investment partner in the South Pacific Region.
    3. We will be the best employer.
    4. We will be the market leader in our product offerings.
    5. We will provide the best training platform for Fijians.

    God Bless our beloved country.

    I hope they haven’t touched Jaoji, he is a good man.

  3. Tuks Says:

    To our Fijian dominated Military, your intel Cell and all the Boys[&gals] at SDelainabua and the rest of Fiji,
    Dua ga na ka me sa tukuni vei kemuni – Gauna vakaloloma nomuni gauna. Era lako i Maleya, Solomoni noda Qase ena kena laki ravuti na meca me ra kakua ni mai kabai Viti kei na veika e noda. Nomudou gauna qo dou sa mai vakayagataki tu vua dua nomuni liuliu mo ni ravuti keda tale na i Taukei kei na veika e noda…Sa o ni valoloma dina. Nomuni valoloma sa na mai noda vata na i Taukei kece. Ia mo ni kila ni keimami na sega ni cegu na dau valataka voli mai na veika baleti keda. Ena rawa ni duri tale e dua na mataivalu ni Taukei ke o ni sa sega ni tu taka rawa na veika baleti keda ena nomuni gauna oqo…O ni sa vakaloloma dina sara ga..vakaloloma….

  4. Tuks Says:

    To our Fijian dominated Military, your intel Cell and all the Boys[&gals] at SDelainabua and the rest of Fiji,
    Dua ga na ka me sa tukuni vei kemuni – Gauna vakaloloma nomuni gauna. Era lako i Maleya, Solomoni noda Qase ena kena laki ravuti na meca me ra kakua ni mai kabai Viti kei na veika e noda. Nomudou gauna qo dou sa mai vakayagataki tu vua dua nomuni liuliu mo ni ravuti keda tale na i Taukei kei na veika e noda…Sa o ni valoloma dina. Nomuni valoloma sa na mai noda vata na i Taukei kece. Ia mo ni kila ni keimami na sega ni cegu na dau valataka voli mai na veika baleti keda. Ena rawa ni duri tale e dua na mataivalu ni Taukei ke o ni sa sega ni tu taka rawa na veika baleti keda ena nomuni gauna oqo…O ni sa vakaloloma dina sara ga..vakaloloma….
    Vinakla SV, ka dina kece na veika o ni vakaraitaka mai cake. Sa vakaloloma dina na veika era sa mai vakayacora oqo na i lala Idia qo ka ra vakayagataki Voreqe tiko qo. Era sa na vakarau basuraka vakadua qo na Kabani ni Taukei qo ka me da sa na lesu tale kina sega …Na sasaga oqo era cakava me ra vakamalumalumutaka kina vakadua noda rawa ka vakailavo me rawa ni da vesu kina vakadua ka tawa mudu [in perpetuity]. Noda i yaubula era sa na qai veivolitaka ga ka ni sa na rawarawa sara nodra veivaqumi vei ira na Turaga ni ra sa liga lala tu ..eda sa raica tu mada ga qo so na kena i vakaraitaki ka sa na qai vakacava ni sa na sega ka lala kece tu nodra taga ….Vacava o Voreqe kemudou ragone, e tiko vinaka nona vakasama se sa leqa tu???

  5. Tim Says:

    Here we go. Watch it be fleeced step by step for the benefit of a few. The language has already been in place for quite some time.
    Anything perceived to be affirmative action is bad – equal opportunity rather than equal outcome is the order of the day because it can be twisted and morphed into evidence of ‘discrimination’.
    Of course affirmative action is fine if it is to benefit the self-appointed elite (they know best, and they especially know what is better for you than you do – NOT). The likes of Shameens, Scutt and others can of course offer themselves as respectable because they are such champions of women’s rights and equality. (Thankfully there are people like Shamina A that are able to remind us and censure the facists – and make no mistake, they are facists even that was never their intention – it has come with attitude and personal dishonesty).
    It also all reminds me of a certain Te Puni Kokiri report that looked at business, among other things one of the better reports to be produced in recent times. In that report, the Maori businesses are the successful and sustainable ones (in short) as evidenced by their longevity and dividends they pay. Many of the others end up growing too big too fast on a motive driven entirely by profit and greed, and end up in foreign hands fleecing those they originally sought to serve.
    Some non-indigenous and those driven by greed, simply can’t bear to see such successes – it either shows them up or they can’t wait to get their hands on an easy earn – it matters not whether its at everyone else’s expense.
    What is amusing (if it weren’t so sad) is that then you have the likes of Shaista bleating about some new sort of colonialism from those that oppose her and her ilk when in fact they are attempting to be the colonising force.
    They’re simply serving to prolong what is inevitable. In so doing, they cause much pain and back themselves further into a corner where people are likely to be much less prepared to see them in a sympathetic light.

  6. FijiGirl Says:

    @ Kutu – here’s my earlier response to this story on a previous page.

    We need to stop thinking like Discombobulated Bubu’s boiling frog.

    Rather than only ‘getting hot under the collar’, we need to start thinking about getting out of the water AND ACTING ON IT….!

    Chodo’s plan for national dominance continues.

    The great irony is that, although many of his pieces appear to be falling into place, in fact THIS is the time when his plans are at their most vulnerable.

    It can all fall apart, if and when the good people involved do the right thing in taking a stand to stop Chodo.

    He thinks that he can replace his opponents with his Yes-men, and maybe he is right.

    But even with his Yes-men at the top of these structures, they can STILL fall apart, if the people the WORKERS take action, or rather, INACTION to stop him.

    I’m talking boycotts, strikes, go-slow, civil servants taking 1 sick day a week, and STALL THE SYSTEM so that he is stymied. And don’t forget to write, write, write to the embassies, delegations and ADB in Suva to support their stand AGAINST this regime.

    Chodo may have his guns, but WE HAVE THE POWER.
    Tabu soro
    God Bless Fiji

  7. Maqa a Leqa Says:

    Another Fijian institution is being dismantled right in front of our eyes. The plan by Maiya Chodo and his puppet Bhaini Marama is on track.

    Notable Fijian businessman like Joe Mar have been displaced from Fijian oriented companies and we cannot do f#@k all.

    Can the Fijians in the military be so blind to these sure moves to disenfranchise and strip Fijians of their rights to institutions that serve their interest?

    We are doomed to lose all our rights with this regime. The worse thing is that the whole sorry episode is being masterminded by no other than Maiya Chodo and Frank and his bunch of soldiers do not realise this.

  8. Mark Manning Says:

    Does this posting from September 2007 and the replies to it , ring a bell you dinga lings ? You can’t say I haven’t warned you every other day since September 2007 !
    Subject: response to my comment today ! Sept. 2007

    Mark Manning of Sydney,Australia (38 minutes ago)
    It matters not what anyone thinks , this regime decided years ago just exactly what it had in mind and how it would achieve it’s goals . Anyone who believes otherwise , is deluding themselves ! The processes this regime have put into place , are merely a smokescreen to hide their real intent . And one can only assume that that is total dominance over all facets of fijian society . Hasn’t anyone in Fiji understood yet , that Fiji is being sold out to the asians from under your feet , by your own countrymen
    Indian of India (29 minutes ago)

    To Mar Manning of Sydney Australia-#34

    These silly Fijians do not know- ha!ha!ha!ha!ha! We are controlling their Military now. We will do it slowly until we destroy all the Fijian Institutions and the their land rights. The silly Fijians including the selfish Ganilau and Bai do not know and do not bother. GENOCIDE is the MISSION. It can achieved politically.

    Crash Stock Exchange of United States (14 minutes ago)

    To India and Manning

    hahahaha…yeah lets start with crashing the South Pacific Exchange dominated by India and the banks! Maybe the Fijians can start thinking about the 6 billion deal now…hehehehe Take your pick!
    Fijians are lousy merchants anyway because their eyes have always been to big for their stomach(traditionally) thus the need to have a corporate body(GCC new look) to curb the crooks that take advantage of the Natadola projects etc. I say Code of conduct is necessary because no chief should be above the law neither are accountants!
    Your Comment

  9. Islander Says:

    To our Fijian brother’s/sister’s in the RFMF – please cease from your further stupidity and ignorance by sitting idly by while what benefits our people is being torn before your very eyes. Take a stand and rid us of Chodo and Bhainimarama once and for all.

    In your old age you will say one of two things.

    1. “I couldn’t stand to see my heritage and culture being raped and so I am proud to tell you my grand-children that I took a stand with a few other brave of our own and took our nation back from the criminals that took over from Dec 5, 2006. Be proud for this is now your legacy.”


    2. “Dear God, please take my life already (this is if you haven’t already killed yourself by now), I can no longer live with the guilt and shame of just standing by while my beloved Fiji and all that is sacred to us was being pillaged and raped by a madman name Voreqe Bhainimarama and a few of his henchmen. I am ashamed of my cowardice behaviour, but thank God OTHER’S had the guts to assassinate the devil amongst us. Theirs is the glory.


  10. Budhau Says:

    since you’re all idiots, i’ve decided to do yous all a big favor and contend in the next election


  11. Tim Says:

    @ MM: Before I forget (because unlike Budhau, I’m an idiot living in the Dame Edna Everidge home for the Bewildered), you might be interested in

    Specifically the Julia Gillard interview. There’ll be a podcast up later (probably after midday)

  12. Keep The Faith Says:

    More fuckery y’all and that’s about the long and the short of it.

    We at Intelligentsiya are taking a different tack — we’re making Elections the new goal post as that’s really what can set this country back on the straight and narrow. We’re not interested in the IIG’s whining about fair representation, new boundaries, charter charade etc etc — the Constitution is HERE TO STAY and therefore they’ve got to hold the Elections within the parameters set there.

    Perhaps we can ‘hook up’ on this one SV & other bloggers? Email us if you’re in.

  13. Glawyer Says:

    Sa qai so na tamata macawa tu qo na mataivalu!! As Islander said, NO GUTS NO GLORY….laurai ga vei ira na lewe ni mataivalu qo na NO GUTS!! GUTLESS, SPINELESS…vakamuria tiko dua na tamata baku, kawa ca, tau-cara vakai Voceke Bainipuaka!!!

  14. Mossad Says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised at all if ” New Evidence” is forthcoming regarding Lai Qarase’s FHL case. They scrounged around and couldn’t find an iota of evidence. They even brought in their own PI aka Peter Foster to discredit LQ and crew, but they ended up discrediting themselves……

  15. Islander Says:

    Freedom isn’t free guys – we must resist being further sitting ducks while this illegal regime spirals us to the uttermost state of pariah.

  16. Tim Says:

    @KtF: Well that was always the promise, the undertaking, the cmmittment. In fact it was always BY March 2009 so the committment was March or before. I’ve also maintained with the assistance the neighbours undertook to give, the timeline was generous. Failure to deliver is an iIG FAILURE

  17. Islander Says:

    I believe Mossad hit the nail on the head, the rolling of heads is only to plant Bhainimarama’s people in the holdings just so they can create and produce some pseudo “evidence.” Evidence my ass, this renegade regime can’t even produce “evidence” as to why they performed the coup in the first place. They are running out of excuses.

  18. Mark Manning Says:

    Evil succeeds , when good men do nothing !

  19. Mark Manning Says:

    Badhau , are you offering free cars and kithecn appliances ?
    Tim , thanks for that .

  20. Groggymaster Says:

    The sugar industry is a dead horse. The economy is in free fall. Now to ensure the playing field is level, the IG wants to review the operations of Air Pacific to “improve” its performance, and then proceed dismantle Fijian Holdings. Is this the promised clean up ?

  21. soro Says:

    This is the last straw people. Like FIJIGIRL says we have read what to be a Boiling Frog is like – we understand what Bubu is trying to say. Now the question is what are we all going to do about it. My yasana has shares in Fijian Holdings that have been paying us good dividends over the years. I can see this going down the drain from now …..

    BTW please can Sereana Qoro stand up and say something about this please.

    So how do we translate this further violation of our indigenous holdings into action …. ?

    Needless to say I think first and foremost we must recognise that we must suffer for what we are about to do and be prepared for this.

    I am still for non-voilent resistance but this can only work if we do things together. Our church and community leaders must be a big part of this process. This this illegal administration must be brought to its knees.

    What can we start with ?

  22. Tolotu Says:

    Does any one know what is contained in the FHL constitution in relation to the appointment of the BOD and the Chair?

    The change in management of any company is a concern for all shareholders so this piece of news is both interesting and alarming. We need to know the circumstances surrounding the removal of the CEO Weleilakeba but equally the circumstances related to the appointment of Qoro.

    Another important factor within a company is the appointment of new directors and for that matter a new chair.It is the responsibility of the shareholders to appoint and remove any director and that can only be done in a general shareholders meeting.Directors cannot sack other directors and therefore we need to find out what is contained in the FHL constitution in relation to these matters.

    The news of Aziz being the chair is alarming if true.The single most important personal criteria in the appointment of external directors (non executives) is a high level of successful corporate experience.We know that Aziz’s background has been from the military and for that matter he is a current high profile traitor in uniform. Every single shareholder should demand an EGM where matters could be cleared up if the rumour mills are true.

    Ambiguity results in a slump of share prices and worse still the flight of investors.The meddling of the military into the private affairs of a public companies does not bode well for the future of the business community. This will have the same drastic repercussions as it did in Thailand and as with the current ill fated military meddling in Fiji’s political affairs.

  23. kuku Says:

    This will destroy Fijian attempts to compete in the market place, a racist attempt by Indians with Chodo as their leader to destroy us once and for ever! I have large A shares amoung other Fijians in FHL which i planned to collect my dividents at 65 years old and retire? Now it appears that i might not be able to do that,since Indos like Aziz have been brought in by the Military to kill our gold mine? I can’t believe that our own people and chiefs like the Maras,Ganilau,Tui Vuda,and Epeli Nailatikau and the Military are been used by this Indians to destruct our I Taukei institutions? From now on let’s not call any of these Fijian Chiefs with their Titles-no more Ratu or Adi.no more saka,re or any other respect for these Sonalevus?Do not address Voreqe as commander but merely as Voreqe-don’t give the ass-hole any respect,as he has no respect for us. Same with the Ganilau,Nailatikau and Maras they’re all bastards and i say this word with much respect!!!

  24. kuku Says:

    I’m pretty sure,its only a matter of time before a Fijian Idi Amin will emerged who than will rid the heathens off our shores for evermore!!!I’m absolutely ready for a peaceful demonstration with my Wau so i can shove it up some indos backside!!! I say this with all due respect?

  25. Save the Sheep Says:

    I hope it hasn’t really taken you this long to draw this conclusion.

    Our Military Relatives have been unwelcome in our house since January 2007. That is when the effectiveness of their brain washing became fully evident.

    As for Siti.. Arrogant SoB. No sympathy from me but I do feel sorry for the lost talent from the FHL Board…

  26. Fiji Democracy Now Says:

    Oil lei Kuts – you really let go there. It’s true that Chaudhry has enjoyed the support of 80 per cent of the Indian community but we at FDN think that’s going to change and he knows it and its because they know that he is a trouble maker who thrives on conflict. We don’t think they back him in his assault on Fijian interests. So don’t stop being a Mr Nice Guy yet. We don’t think this is a case of meke iwau or meke wesi, more likely meketa na vula.

    The first thing is to find out a few facts. We’ve been sitting around scratching of heads and trying to find out what could have happened.
    One of our group who has a bit of business nous said he thinks it could be linked the FHL takeover of RB Patel. But then he said he didn’t know there had been an Annual General Meeting of FHL. The last one he was aware of was in October last year. You must need an AGM to kick the board out. May be some of the directors walked because they didn’t support the RB Patel takeover. With the economy in the state it’s in it’s a good time to sell but not good a time to buy. Some of the board may have been worried and blamed the CEo. Who knows.

    Have a look at this story on the web. It’s clear this RB deal Is big.


    Buddle Findlay Advises On Fiji’s Public Takeover
    Wednesday, 23 April 2008, 2:44 pm
    Press Release: LawFuel

    Buddle Findlay Advises On Fiji’s First Public Takeover
    http://www.LawFuel.co.nz – The Law Jobs and Legal NewsWire.

    Buddle Findlay acted as legal adviser to the board of RB Patel Group
    Limited (RBG) and it three largest shareholders on the partial takeover by Fijian Holdings Limited (FHL) of RBG. The transaction is ground breaking for Fiji, being the first ever takeover of a public company listed on the South Pacific Stock Exchange.

    RBG owns and operates the RB Patel supermarkets in Fiji. FHL is a local Fijian investment company which has investments in tourism, manufacturing, building and construction, real estate, media, as well
    as the New World supermarkets in Fiji. Both RBG and FHL are listed
    on the South Pacific Stock Exchange in Fiji. The transaction values the RBG share capital at FJ$42 million and gives a multiple of 7x based on RBG’s 31 March 2007 EBITDA.

    FHL, through its subsidiary, FHL Retailing Limited, made a partial cash offer for 50.2% of the shares of RBG for FJ$1.40 per share. Under the terms of the deal, the three largest shareholders based in Hong Kong agreed to sell their 50% holding to FHL and granted FHL an option to purchase the management contract under which they manage and run the business of RBG.

    The transaction team of Buddle Findlay was led by corporate partner
    Grant Dunn and was supported by senior associate Sharon McGrath.

    Grant Dunn commented – “Buddle Findlay was happy to give the
    benefit of our takeovers experience and advise the various parties on
    international market practice and compliance with Fiji’s Takeover
    Regulations which are predominantly based on the Takeover Codes
    in NZ and the UK.”

    So obviously this is a huge transaction which may have caused a split
    on the board. We hope some of the players can explain it to the Fijian
    people who have a huge stake in FHL. If the IG were behind it, we
    think we might have heard something by now.

  27. EnufDictatorship Says:

    OK ra bloggers..sideline mada….this up on FT but the page could not be found and then it WAS DELETED! COuld it be that it was not real OR…?

    Anyways it was real interesting read at least for a while…Here is all I got:

    Fiji Times Online – Fiji News, Sport and Weather from the pages of …
    Former Fiji naval officers join Australian Defence Force · Update: 3:02PM THE Australian High Commission has defended the recruitment of 12 members of the …

    If this is true..then I say…good on this former officers cos they obviously are some of the ones who do not agree with Vore\’s doings and have left the navy in hope of greener and better pastures.

    Agan a sure sign that only the BAKAVAs are left with Vore.

    Time to rise pipol and MARCH peacefully!

  28. NobleBannerBlue Says:

    Truz up Tolotu….

    FHL will have to annouce these changes to the market – so far it is speculation. Anything which would have a significant effect on price will need to be disclosed – The SPSE should investigate this and find out what really is happening. I dread to consider the impact on FHL shares. What do the Army/ IG know about running a listed company???????? let alone a country!!!!!!!!!!

    All shareholders of FHL should demand an explanation – note to all the provincial councils etc… you as shareholders should look at the Companies Act and call a meeting to get rid of these directors and rectify this forced takeover of managment…

  29. NobleBannerBlue Says:

    How they did it.. cont from earlier post..

    Changes to FHL Board reportedly to put company on a new path
    15 Jun 2008 02:39:26

    It has been revealed that changes in the Fijian Holdings Board Limited has been instituted to bring the company on a new path.

    New Board Chairman Robin Storch says the changes are a result of a decision made by B- Class Shareholders to vote in new board members.

    As a result, FHL group managing director Sitiveni Waleilakeba has lost his job.

    Fijian Holdings Limited is a local equity investment company that has investments in almost of sectors of the economy.

    On Friday during a Board meeting, majority of the board members resigned and new ones were appointed.

    In business terms this is known as a hostile takeover.

    One National News can confirm some of the sitting board directors had no other choice but to resign.

    Those who have resigned include Board Chairman Joe Mar, Group Managing Director Sitiveni Wailelakeba, Directors Tui Maleikai, Mohammed Asif Razak, and Ioane Naiveli.

    Board Member Alice Tabete was removed after she missed three consecutive meetings.

    Sitiveni Waleilakeba’s employment was terminated by the incoming board.

    We have been able to establish before the actual board meeting Waleilakeba met the Interim Prime Minister.

    Permanent Secretary in the Prime Ministers Office Parmesh Chand however says he wasn’t aware such a meeting took place.

  30. EnufDictatorship Says:

    Who are these B class holders?

  31. EnufDictatorship Says:


    by ; published 24 January 2001


  32. Tim Says:

    Does anyone else think it is time that Helen and Michael looked a little closer? We all know they’ve been losing the plot lately because of the diversionary tactics of their oppostion, but thank GOD Julia has recently visited.
    If I were in Fiji, and opposed to this coup as I am, I’d definately be looking West, rather than South. I’m reminded of tits and bulls.

  33. painter Says:

    Vinaka Enuf! Very, very valid issues raised there by the People’s Coalition of 2001.

    Okay, what I’d like to know is whether Qarase and/or the Fijian Holdings Ltd responded at all to that 2001 paper for an independent inquiry into the affairs of Fijian Holdings Ltd…???

  34. painter Says:

    Hey there Kuku @ 5pm, 5.30pm – take it easy man! I take it you didn’t attend your church service today.

    You seem to know more about FHL than I do, so how do you respond to that 2001 paper calling for an independent inquiry into the financial affairs of FHL??

    Btw, is the FHL website – http://www.fijianholdings.com no longer in existence?

  35. painter Says:

    To bloggers : Soro, Tolotu, Noblebannerblue, Say True – would any of you be able to shed some light to my query above to blogger kuku?

  36. ex Fiji Tourist Says:

    Has any body else noted that chaudhry has upped the ante in regards to demolishing Fijian institutions since the new, inexperienced [ and seeming incompetent ] Australian foreign minister has been left floundering on the international stage?

    This character has no idea how to react to chaudhry’s illegal junta.

    The poor Australian High Commissioner must be seething at the lack of support coming from Canberra.

    I wonder if the current Australian govt know where Fiji is ?

  37. solivakasama Says:

    I am not a shareholder of Fijan Holdings but what pisses me off is here is a private company, that is majority own by Fijians, and these Indians are hell bent on destroying it. Why I ask. Maybe they think that its RB Patel today, it will be Tapoo or RC Manubhai one day tomorrow. I don’t know but it sure does look like that’s their thought processes right now.

    Forget about the fact that some Fijian Familys’ private company dominate the shareholdings. My point is at least FHL has managed to make in-roads where the Kawa i Taukei have never managed to venture before, and that is to break the commercial barrier dominated by Indians.

    While bringing down FHL will cause a lot of pains on these private Fijian Companies, you must also remember that our provinces and tikina companies ownshares in that company and the attempt to destroy will also directly affect our Provincial and Tikina or even village investments. Money raised by our grass root people. You are throwing out the baby with the bath water.

    Without FHL, there would also have been no Yatu Lau Company, Ba Holdings, Yasana Holdings etc. They all took note from the FHL model and its succesful formular.

    I have nothing to gain from raising these points but as an outsider and observer, I must say that while Siti may have been an arrogant dickhead, he has succeeded where no other Taukei has and those aspiring must take note of what he, Jaoji and Finau Soqo have achieved for FHL.

    As to EnufDictatorship and painter, what you’ve highlighted is old news. You all sounded like that broken down record call Thakur Ranjit Singh. My question then is why 18 months after the bullshit Peoples Coalition robbed the people of Fiji of their legitimate Government, they have not conducted an independent enquiry on FHL themselves?????

    KNSV (co-editor of SV)

  38. ex Fiji Tourist Says:

    BTW, where have been the arrests by teletubbie fullchow of those foreigners, who he knows who they are, who threatened the Aust high com?

    Maybe fullchow was dreaming again of a successful conclusion to a case.

    Maybe he should go back to sailing his oversized dinghy around Suva harbour.

  39. painter Says:

    Oilei @ Exft! U’re so funni! reminds me of a funny episode i heard today involving Cherie Blair, that whilst she was at a dinner function in NZ (having landed in that country a couple of hours earlier) she actually thought (out loud!) that she was in Australia! Pote of koya!

  40. painter Says:

    KSNV – I hear you! For the record I’m not that silly old geezer Thakuku katia nona taukuku!

    Old news se new news, they’re still ‘valid & legitimate’ issues to my ears! I’m not asking questions from the 2001 people’s coalition (btw is that party still alive and around?) This is 2008 for goodness’ sake so all I’m doing is merely and meekly asking those bloggers who might be connected to FHL and would naturally be able to shed some light on whether an enquiry was indeed made and if so, when and where can I find Qarase & FHL’s response. It’s that simple.

    I have no issue at all with trying to advance indigenous Fijian interests, period! so that’s a non-issue to me! Let’s not get all emotional and teary-eyed over FHL, you all just might find you’re all crying for nothing, you cry-babies!

  41. solivakasama Says:

    Point taken painter and I am not crying, my blood is boiling and I want somebody to give me a gun so I can get closer to one of these morons.

    What these arseholes are doing is bringing out the radicals inbuilt in all of us that will lash out when there is a feeling of hopelessness and saying to one self, I have nothing to loose and I will make the ultimate sacrifice for the future of my flash and blood.

    They have not learnt from the Palestinian, Sri Lankan or Iraqi Experience.

    The Pig and the snake cannot see that by creating chaos and reducing all Taukei to poverty they are creating the right environment for sucide bombers.

    Look what happened to Rajiv Ghandi, blown up by a female Tamil sucide bomber from Sri Lanka. Keep going the way you going Mahendra Chaudary and you are sowing the seed for a Taukei who will end up as a sucide bomber blowing you and your favourite son Rajend Chaudary to kingdom come because he/she perceives this as the only way to save his/her own Taukei generations for years to come. And that goes for the Pig too.

  42. IslandBoy Says:

    Here’s an interesting aside folks – why was Tukana Bovoro Managing Director of FDB, on leave last week with the sleezy Taito Waradi (Chairman) looking after the shop.

    Remember Sereana Qoro was dumped as Chair of FDB. Lets not lose sight of the bouncing ball.

  43. painter Says:

    Now u’re being a blerry drama queen! Or as MM aptly puts it, a drag queen!

    I don’t care about the WORLD, I’m not moving past these issues now, period.

  44. IslandBoy Says:

    @Kutu – to stir the hornet’s nest on this one, Sakiusa Bolaira or someone else whom LQ will take calls from, needs to do an extended piece on what the implications of this takeover are, at least in LQ’s opinion. Then take cover as the reponses come thick, fast and full of bulldust.

    @Tim – if NZOZ are in the least concerned about their definition of the “arc of instability,” now would be a really good time to start taking a very close interest.

  45. solivakasama Says:

    Tell me which part of my arguments is making me a drama queen?

    1. The one about Mohammed Aziz a lawyer with no legal experience outside the military, or Sereana Qoro who almost bankrupt Housing Authority taking over the helm at FHL?

    2. Mahendra Chaudary pushing Taukei further down the poverty line and creating the right environment for breeding resentment and radicalism

    and what has Drag Queens go to do with this, are you one of those closet gays (rerevaki not out in the open)

    express views, not call people drag queens and cry babies!!!

    Lets call a spade a spade and start doing something to stop it. If you think I am a drama queen then you don’t have to come to this blog as it has been set up for people who are wanting to make changes as talk is cheap.

  46. painter Says:

    hehehe! Oh poor ‘ol Soli, you sound so cute when u’re frustrated. I’m not a ‘poofie’ like the ‘closets’ at RottenFMF.

    Okay, I’ll try to be a good gal and quietly do my own research.

  47. solivakasama Says:

    yeah yeah just patronise me with your condescending comments, same attitude why these people supported Bai in the fisrt place, because they think they have a monopoly on intelligence

    Btw, the name is not soli, I blog under the name kutu (long name kutusebeneivore) and my mission in life is to annoy vore as the irritating tick itch on his left cherry that won’t go away 🙂 and I only co-edit SV with a tag team of others so I beg don’t paint them with the paint brush you’re painting me because they are all liberal thinking opinionated people with views that may differ greatly from me and my postings above.

    And yes this weekend the Pig and the Snake may have annoyed me more then I do him given what he’s done with the Taukei Company. But we will see what turns out in the long run.

    Have a happy queens birthday holiday. I wonder which queen we’re celebrating since QE II is nolonger our queen. Bulou Rourou maybe 8)

    Good Morning.

  48. Wailei Says:

    It appears that Mahen and his troopers are trying to suppress the Fijian race. It also appears that a lot of Educated Fijians were holding strategic positions in Government and Business that were usually dominated by our Indo-Fijian brothers and sisters. The balance of power was changing and the Mahens of this world did not like the look of how the Fijians were turning. That instead of staying our villagers we were treading their toes in their turf. Mahen should realise that Those days are gone and its a new world order of the Indigenous Fijians youths and the new generation to take over.

    Mahens neutralizing of Fijian Institutions while he is in power will come to naught once the new government selected by the people comes in. And all the manupilation of the system and all his puppets will be thrown in the pits of Naboro prison where their future was foretold by the cries of Sundar Gee.

  49. painter Says:

    See why guys are from pluto and gals are from venus! I shower you with a sincere compliment and you call it condescending. Sigh… of course you’re ‘Kuts’… it just seemed right calling you ‘Soli’ then… what’s the english equiv. of ‘soli’ btw………………. I leave it to NP to enlighten us 😉

    Well, a very good morning 2 u too & a happy queen’s holiday to all SV bloggers! Cheers.

  50. Tolotu Says:

    The remark by new FHL chairperson Robin Storch, that the “decision to make changes to the board was the decision by class B shareholders”, needs further investigation.

    The majority shareholder in FHL is the Fijians Affairs Board (FAB) which own class ‘B’ shares and approximately 67 per cent of the total shareholding. The second largest shareholder is the Native Land Trust Board (NLTB). When one considers these two shareholders it is clear that a great deal of company power subsides in the hands of those who rule the government of day and as in this case, are quite prepared to wield it.

    The issues here are, do these class B shareholders have the authority to make these changes and if so were the proper procedures followed? Do class B shareholders have the authority to request a meeting calling for the removal and appointment of directors?

    According to company law they do. Publicly listed companies and those that manage them are governed by strict rules in terms of changes to its management. It is a generally accepted fact that only shareholders have the power to appoint and remove board members who in turn remove CEO’s. It is pointless to digress further. The next issue is, were the proper procedures followed according to the law in relation to convening a shareholders meeting?

    The answer is that it is unclear at this stage however the removal of directors and the appointment of new ones are serious matters that concern all shareholders. As alluded to in my earlier comment, these changes can only transpire within the parameters of a shareholders meeting. There are two ways in which a meeting can occur, 1.If the BOD convenes at the request of the shareholders or, 2. If the BOD refuses this request then a portion of shareholders may call one in their absence.

    The sitting BOD would have been requested by these class B shareholders of their intention and reason to convene a shareholders meeting. This is carried by a members requisition in writing stating the exact intended resolution, signed by the members concerned and passed on to FHL. The FAB shareholders would only require no less than 5% of casting votes or 100 signatures of voting members to file that application. It is then the duty of the sitting BOD to call a meeting of all shareholders notifying them of the venue, date and so forth but most importantly the resolution to change the management.

    Was this done? Well, not to anyone’s knowledge however that could be the result of the sitting BOD refusing to convene the meeting which appears to be the logical conclusion here. The legal alternative then available to these class B shareholders is for them to convene a meeting without the BOD and which requires at least 50% of the casting votes that they do have. Any resolutions passed would be valid and binding.

    Given that the takeover of the FHL management may have a strong case of legality, the concern then lies with the type of legal redress available to the minority shareholders who are real people eg, individuals, families, tikina, mataqali and so forth. The courts are usually reluctant in delving into the private affairs of a public company however the exceptions relate to two tests which are: were the actions taken by the class B majority shareholders in collusion with some directors, exercised with proper purpose and were they exercised to be overly oppressive to the minority shareholders?

    The answer is yes. The proper purpose is an objective one as stated by Storch being in the best interests of the company. There is no explanation forthcoming as to the causation of the actions of the dismissed and what those best interests are. The other more powerful test is whether the minority shareholders feel oppressed by the actions of their bigger cousins. In this case it appears so. The meetings and resolutions were convened and passed without their knowledge and their ability to pass a decision. This is the fundamental right of every shareholder. The issue of fairness was absent and a forecast of personal economic loss may eventuate. This type of behaviour which Storch labels as, “a hostile takeover” is in effect a company fraud perpetuated on the weak and is one occasion for which the courts require very little persuasion in lifting the corporate veil to investigate.

    Insofar as the new characters now in the FHL board, there are clear evidence to suggest that they are members of an illegal government who are holding out to be the legal representatives of the majority shareholders (FAB & NLTB). This in itself is a clear case of fraud given that these institutions have constitutional ownership, being the people and given over into the safe custody of their duly elected representatives in parliament and the State. The forceful takeover of the State and its assets inclusive of those shares in FHL is then a crime and this situation represents a dire development for the company, the whole of the business community and the rest of the shareholders.

  51. EnufDictatorship Says:

    My qst at 7:43 is Who are these B class shareholders?

    And, then trying to answer my own qst I found that \”old news.\” If the news in there about LQ is true, then Vore should have taken it to the courts instead of couping his gov\’ with that we agree, don\’t we?

    And as Tolotu stated above: who are these class b shareholders who gave the orders for a reshuffle and do they have the authority?

    Of course, it seems ironic that a company called FIJIAN HOLDINGS is now run by people who don\’t have Fijian names. And the way they took over this company is REAL suspect.

    But to the discerning eyes, it is a REPLICA TACTIC manufactured by \”Robbers\” and \”cowards\” in this interim regime.

  52. FijiGirl Says:

    @Tolotu – Great Post!

    Is this an issue which can get the Suva Stock Exchange de-listed from other, foreign Stock Exchanges, or can foreign SE’s be appealed to (by NGO’s, private investors, etc) to investigate the Suva SE?

    Is this an instance where the Asian Development Bank or World Bank would be able to chastise the illegal regime?

    What other global or international monetary authorities can be called on to proscribe this criminal act?

    God bless Fiji

  53. FijiGirl Says:

    Scrap my questions above.

    NGO’s – can you use Tolotu’s info above to get an announcement to the Australian Securities Exchange (asx.com.au), the New Zealand Exchange Ltd (info@nzx.com), the Financial Times (ft.com), Nasdaq (nasdaq.com), NYSE (nyse.com).

    (Not that there are any foreign investors left in the South Pacific Stock Exchange, but if there are) Such an announcement would see any foreign investment fly out of the country ASAP and further embarrass this illegal regime.

    If the SPSE regulator will not investigate what has gone on at FHL (and I suspect they won’t), then let them face the worst possible PR and consequences.

    Remember – Chodo’s plans might be coming together, but they are also now at their most vulnerable.
    God bless Fiji

  54. natewaprince Says:

    There can only be only one sure outcome that will result from this ”hostile take-over”,the value of shares will surely plumet.

    E dua ga na ka e vaka vuna kece tiko na leqa da sa mai sotova tu ‘qo,o ya na tamata soresore bi o Voreqe.Au sa vola tiko qo na yacana ena dua na gasau ni M16,special delivery from Natewa Prince.If someone doesn’t get to him first,that is.

    Watch your back pig,you won’t see it coming.

  55. Tim Says:

    @IB 11.52. Could not agree MORE! Perhaps the little get together between Aus and NZ late last week/ weekend may pay dividends. They are, or should have been aware of the events that have been unfolding since 2006 – they know/knew all about the players involved. I’ve thrown enough kaka at them recently, but they really do need to “lift their game” and think things through a little better

  56. natewaprince Says:

    painter,then you must be from Uranus.Here’s a cheer for your planet,”Up Uranus!!!!!! ”

  57. Jose Says:

    It seems almost like these illegals’ objective is “Re-distribution of Wealth”. To take from those who have and give it to those who don’t have.So all Fiji’s wealth will become National Wealth re-distributing for the Common Good based on NEEDS. If this is the case then no-one is safe from these illegals.

  58. LUVfiji Says:

    @ Say True! – Great post. Thanks for that info.

    @ IB – could you please elaborate on yr comment on Sereana Qoro as the “bouncing ball”. I hold high regard for this lady and have followed her rise in her profession since her days at Rewa (Tailevu) Dairy, Housing Authority and now with FHL – vinaka.

  59. soro Says:

    Yadra people – First off Painter is masquerading as a goody 2shoes, so Kuts dont waste your energy . In reality he/she/it is a coup apologist and the same person that posted all that propoganda about FHL some time ago. so ignore it as it is trying to go over old ground that was plain old bullshit.

    Second I would like Sereana Qoro to say something about this – any one have her email addy please ?

  60. painter Says:

    Top of the morning to you bloggers!

    Sechi sechi @ soro ulu-kobo! Coup apologist my ass! My anti-junta, anti-coup pawprints hve been around and all over these blogs since the original RFC days, hve had to change pseudonyms many times because of the RottenFMF goonies trying to catch us! Now I hve anr set of dimwits like you to fight! O cei mada o iko Johnny-come-lately?!!

    NP – always true to form, dissecting debate down to anatomical levels. cheers buddy.

    Vinaka Tolotu for yr post. Hmmm…. agree with ‘lifting the corporate veil’ bit!

    Enuf – of course you were just answering yr own question regrdng those class B shares when you pulled out that link, and for that, I am grateful ‘coz u’ve set me off on a tangent that I now wish to dwell on for a while..
    Of course, I totally agree with you that a coup de’tat does not justify what may hve gone down at FHL all these years, that much is clear… besides it’s almost like a set of thieves replacing the other! Unlike you, I don’t give a damn that those names may not be Fijian, who cares! There are more important issues raised in that 2001 paper than to worry about what’s in a name.

    It’s such a beautiful sunny day out there to be wasted blogging away indoors. I think I’ll go for a jog by the seawall, care to join me Soro??

  61. IslandBoy Says:

    @LUVfiji – sa Tailevu Dairy mada ga marama nite. Ni sa PM o Voreqe, draki qo Kubuna ga!

    Really don’t know very much about SQ (by the way she was last at the cement factory in Lami before this move to FHL – Alipate Naiorosui is CEO of HA) but a little bird told me she had very interesting but very cordial visitors from the camp immediately after she was dumped as FDB Chair.

    Its just that in all her appointments etc. it seemed like she was firmly rooted in the LQ/SDL camp and I find it interesting that she has agreed to serve the illegal regime by taking over the helm at FHL.

    The bouncing ball was not referring to her specifically, just a general comment to commend we keep our eyes on all movements. I had heard a couple of stories before the bean counters gabfest but was waiting for his to pan out

    If I may I would like to ask you to consider this question:

    If Aziz represents a faction in the army standing diametrically opposed to Mahen (I realise its a big IF) could there be moves within the regime including the NLTB that do not include Chodo and the rancid junior.

    If we also keep in mind that Isoa Kaloumaira was dumped by Qarase at FDB and later installed at Fijian Trust Holdings, could this indicate the rise of a third influential position that does not line behind either LQ or Mahen.

    It seems to reflect the call by the Turaga Roko Tui Bau for engagemennt and dialogue without pre-conditions.

    Nite, au sa qai ituba, na benu ni sasamaki ena Siga Vakarauwai me lai kama, water blast mada na simede ni qarati, sa rairaica sara ga.

  62. MESSIAH Says:

    kutu: “We cry for affirmative actions, we want our qoliqoli rights, we want our NLTA, but when our enemies come in and blatantly start dismantling what our champions, like Qarase, had fought hard for over the years for us.”

    Qarase YOUR champion – this does says a lot his followers.

    Qarase the inexperienced and ungrateful ‘politician’ who is the CAUSE of all this……..

    Qarase who tried to introduce and would have introduced) the very dangerous and harmful QOLIQOLI……


    Aka ‘The Expected One’

  63. IslandBoy Says:

    @Tim – I have never been convinced of NZOZ genuine interest in the Pacific. Some time ago a professional colleague made the comment that NZOZ was more interested in Polynesia than Melanesia because of the prevailing attitude of the majority of its white citizens against ” black” islanders.

    At that time I did not even want to get into a discussion about the definitions of polys vs. melis and what the F do we do about the micros, let alone the kinship ties of Lapita peoples. Now I think, could they be that shallow, who knows?

    Having said that, If NZOZ think the Pacific is worth more than the fleeting foam of ocean waves washing on our shores, then they better get their combined arses into gear, because they are very quickly losing serious ground to China, as she establishes a strong foothold in the Pacific basin.

    If NZOZ are still in the mid 1960s colonial mindset of tiny coral attols not worth a damn, the Chinese are looking at the re-drawn ocean boundaries of micro Pacific states and the vast undersea resource potential that entails. Let alone the fishing grounds, theirs to exploit.

    And don’t forget we have leaders crazy enough to sign it all away for a few million bloodstained yuan.

  64. Tim Says:

    At IB – that sums things up rather well. It’s worth referring some NZ’s media to it. I’m sure MM might be interested in doing likewise. But believe it, some of them are capable of being as shallow as you say. It comes about when a ‘club’ gains a foothold and begins to lose touch when their positions become a little too comfortable to give up. It’s a real shame because those that are in touch with reality often end up being casualties. Still, Clark, Gillard and Rudd are astute enough to realise where there has been poor performance but its way past time when the former actually did something about it.

  65. Corruption Fighter Says:

    If this is what it seems to be, interference in the board by the government in the name of the class B shareholders, then Fiji’s economy is in real trouble. Why would anyone invest in a country when a government imposed by force of arms is ready to intervene in a company’s affairs in this manner? Investment in Fiji is already depressed and pushing the level of economic activity below the gloomy forecasts of the IG. Coming on the heels of the attempted extortion of money from Fiji Water and the debacle of Vatukoula, this can only cause further serious damage to Fiji’s economy.

    The silence is also a worry. It leaves the impression that death threats are again at work. This is the standard tactic by this gang of thugs.

    The comments by Robin Stork only add to the mystery. Who told him
    what Class B shareholders want? Provincial Councils have not been
    consulted and their communications with the JG are not good. People’s Coalition propaganda has in the past claimed that Class B shareholders couldn’t vote. See this clip from the People’s Coalition web site



    It could be that this is false – but if it is true, any move “on behalf” of
    Class B shareholders must be completely outside the law, if not criminal conspiracy.

    It looks tike things are going to get worse in Fiji as investment dries
    up and capital starts to take flight.

    Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I can’t help suspecting that the
    Chodopu$$ may have a tentacle in here somewhere.

  66. LUVfiji Says:

    @ IB – without a doubt, you are better informed than I am.

    While yr question is valid , I would not have thought that there was another faction besides ones that were either pro-LQ (for democracy) or pro-Chodo. I actually see Aziz as pro-Chodo since his name bears Islamic resemblance. It would be interesting though to know whether this individual is a career soldier or a career lawyer. Never heard of him prior 5/12.

    Re SQ, she was at HA before moving to FHL’s Standard Concrete. There seems to be a gem in her that attracts the government — shes been in their favour ever since the gory Rabuka days when she was elevated to HA CEO , and then with LQ and now the junta. Sa nona lotu beka ga.

    Can I suggest something though? You seem very well informed of the latest happenings , would you consider being a VL for FT? E sa rui dau totoka na nomuni vakayatuyatu. E dua ga na vakasama ‘ya, Naita!

  67. Dauvavana Says:

    Ko ira na sotia qo ke bula tu o Tamadra sa na kaya ga, sa maumau dina na noqu wai, keu a se vutulaki ga e na bogi ni siga ya mea ra se kua ni kunuekune taki o la qo.

    maumau na wai, maumau na space e nai vola ni kawa bula

    Ira qo sa ra sega ni Kaiviti, kakua tale ni wilika e dua na wekamu e tiko e na mataivalu me wekamu. Oqori e ra sa kawa kece nai Chodo.

    Maumau na vosa, ratou sa kaci tiko mai na kai Verata mai yasana dua ni sa lose oti tu. Selai marau taki mada na siganisucu nei Tinai Jale. Naita IB ke ko ni galala tu qai bau gole mai ki Waila me mai dua na bilo

  68. LUVfiji Says:

    Isa, sa sureti ga o Naita IB i Waila.. va’evei o keimami na kena vo ?

  69. MESSIAH Says:

    I fully support the SDL Party led by LQ.
    These IG dimwits are a bunch of losers led by unqualified MPC no degree, anti-business policies. Come the elections they’ll all bite the dust.

    The Expecting One

  70. Dauvavana Says:

    Dou vosota na kena vo, kemuni kece ni gole mai LUVFiji, Naita aubatinuku, Adi Kaila. Fiji Girl and the main bad falla okoya na Ravouvou ni Natewa.

    Tou lai gunu yaqona taka mada na siganisucu nei Tinai Tiale (Ilisapeci Naikarua).

    Dou vaqara tevoro mada mai, ko ira na ka lila sega tu ni ra kana vinaka ra dau va bale kavanibenu tu e Suva me datou vagunuvi ira mada edai de lakolako rawa na laki ka kidomoki rawa o Chodo kei Vore mei vei ira so na tevero kana vakaca ra tu wavoki qo 🙂

    NP, tau o iko saraga mo sa tevoro, mo sa na mai dabe tu e cake me keitou sa qaravi iko mada mo sa neitou vu. Au sa kunea tiko oqo e dua na noqu mataqali, wekamu dredre mai Gau me sa mai nomu bete. Ke sa sega ni mate nimataka o Vore, money back, suka lesu tale mai nai lavo keitou vakalusia e na yaqona 😉

  71. MESSIAH Says:

    This false ‘Messiah’ is ‘The EXPECTING One’ – HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


    FAKE ‘Messiah’ pussycat, you’ve just revealed your true identity.

    You CANNOT be the Messiah, ‘messiah’ darling.

    You’re a FALSE prophetESS.


    The Expected One.

  72. Wailei Says:

    @ Messiah.. aren’t you Shri etc., etc.,?

  73. newsfiji Says:

    I’m just sick of this bullshit! When are we going to do something? Sa ivei ira noda turaga…meda sa march yani vua na Peresitedi me lai vakamacalataki yani vua na noda sa kudru na lewe ni vanua na ka sa mai yaco tu qo! O cei ena liutaki keda?

  74. aubatinuku-N Says:

    Gonei, naita daushootin….Wawa me u se qiri mada i bure……….qai rai toka la i katubaleka…. e sa na yaco tiko yani qori o nitou korosibeleti!!

  75. aubatinuku-N Says:

    Wailei o mesiah la qori o Sai Baba!!

    Vilecayaki tiko vakalevu o ko na bokola qo!!

  76. natewaprince Says:

    Shooter,kerekere me kua ga ni kai Gau.Lakolako ke’u vukicala,ena kabati au tale na noqu tauvu qori.

  77. aubatinuku-N Says:

    wete!! lol

  78. Dauvavana Says:

    Hahahahahha NP, na noqu mataqali okoya me mai nomu bete e dau vakaisuluvakataga tu ga siga bogi, teri macala tiko na savo se sega. Ni ko sa na qaravi tu e sa na dau tu ga mai dakumu okoya 😉

  79. painter Says:

    Hi Newsfiji! I absolutely share your frustration, it just gets so damn tiring at times having to put up with all the sh!t going on around you.

    Islandboy @ 10.08a.m – i like yr post, that’s quite an interesting insight u’ve asked LuvFiji to consider. I agree with Rt Joni’s views. Leaving aside the much-awaited and promised March ’09 elections, we still need our professionals to engage at some level with the junta if only for the expediency of the moment. Like many others, I just want to see an end to the ‘bouncing ball’ of the last 2 decades!!

  80. EnufDictatorship Says:

    @natewaprince n Dauvavana…KAILAAAAAAA!!!! OMGoodness….wete dina!! me cava mada na kai-Gau? ke o sega ga ni curumi tevoro mai Waila me sa soli ga vei iko na tovoi curumi wai!!!! hehehehe

    neways..qai mai se qai yani…o koya na fisherman mai Q-vah me sa lai keli2 rawa tiko i koromakawa..waca li qoi nona o gauna.

  81. painter Says:

    Oh just b4 i head off for my beauty sleep, let me quickly qualify that ‘expediency’ bit just in case someone misconstrues me… what i mean is NOT the kind of engagement like the drafting of Decrees to abrogate the Constitution like wot the 3 judges (Tuivaga/Fatiaki/Scott) ALLEGEDLY did… u get my drift guys…? ok.

  82. Peace Pipe Says:

    WTF is happening. It is coming so fast and furious that it is very bedazzling. The conspiracy plan to neutralise the Fijians is taking place before our very eyes. This is where the charter farter comes into play. Especially the point about abolishing race will be the main factor in defending actions such as these. Since race will be a non issue there will be no special assistance to the original landowners who through their accomodation has allowed others to live and prosper in Fiji. This policy also will let others to enter institutions created specially for the development of Fijians who are lagging way behind in economic status.

  83. IslandBoy Says:

    @LUVfiji & Dauvavana – au su voro vakalevu, sa daba nomudrau vidreyava. Naita Dauvavana sa segai ni mai matavitokani, ni sa lai kau tale mai dua na tevoro ni Gau me saga na nodatou ravouvou vakamareqeti.

    @LUVfiji – kerea ga ke qai clarify taki nomuni ni code LV for FT?

  84. Wailei Says:

    From Todays Daily Post

    HEY YOU!
    17-Jun-2008 09:23 AM

    Beddoes calls for unity against opposers

    DEPOSED Opposition Leader Mick Beddoes is calling on the minority community to stand by their taukei cousins and resist the systematic destruction of Fijian institutions by the Fiji Labour Party (FLP)-led military junta.

    Beddoes was referring to a recent TV coverage showing interim Finance Minister, Mahendra Chaudhry, telling members of his National Farmers Union (NFU) in Labasa, of which he is still National Secretary, that Government will ‘pay farmers’ to return to farming.

    “Engineering a ‘hostile takeover’ of a company under normal circumstances in business is one thing, but ‘hijacking’ the board’ by using the military is quite another,” he said.

    Beddoes added that Fijian Holdings was a landmark Fijian institution that symbolised the successful entry into Fiji’s usually Indian and minority-dominated commercial sector by indigenous Fijians.

    “With this latest ‘interference’ by the junta, it was obvious for all to see, that there was a systematic attempt by the FLP-led military junta to neutralise ‘Fijian owned’ institutions.”

    He added that when such a move was supported by a Fijian-dominated military, it demonstrated a high degree incitement and a level of “contempt” for our indigenous people, never before visible in Fiji.

    “I am unaware of any attempts to interfere with any Indian or minority dominated institutions,” he said.

    But he is ashamed to say that certain individuals from these two communities were supporting the systematic demise of Fijian institutions such as the GCC, NLTB, and Fijian Holdings.

    He has no doubt that the Yasana Holdings will soon suffer the same fate and this was worrying, not only because of the negative message it gave potential investors in Fiji, but because it was being done “blatantly and deliberately” against the indigenous Fijians.

    “This is wrong and must be opposed by all law abiding citizens of Fiji, through organised
    protests and other methods of passive resistance,” he added.

  85. LUVfiji Says:

    @IB – a Victor Lal for Fiji Times ? sorry, i thought we were connected.. heha !!

  86. LUVfiji Says:

    @IB – well said. and that is exactly my point in saying that “there must a gem in her that attracts government”. Yes ?

  87. tosotiko Says:

    SQ is a Fijian in the same class as Akuila Yabaki, Jone Dakuvula and Sitiveni Ratuva. They are loved by non-Fijians intent on destroying Fijians because they are so ‘want to be’. She is a Labour from the very beginning because of her uncle Joeli Kalou . She never achieves anything in the organisations she has worked in…NLTB, Rewa Dairy, Housing Authority. Usually put in her position by people who know they can easily control her because she just does what she is told. When she leaves, there is usually a cleanup that follows in the area she was involved in. The NLTB Annual Report was not produced for several years, she leaves and scoots off to Rewa Dairy. Being a commercial company they saw through her facade and deprived her of the CEO post. She should have stayed there and learnt to do some real hard work. But no, her kilavata connections got her the Housing Authority CEO post. She was appointed when Rishi Ram was the Board Chairman (yep, the same Rishi Ram who is your PSC Chairman) and successfully disbanded the department that produces lots and houses as part of an outsourcing exercise to save (financial) cost and instead our beloved Fiji incurred social costs that has contibuted to our mushrooming squatter problems.

    I heard that Sitiveni Weleilakeba got her to Fijian Holdings. Congratulations Sereana Qoro. Your star it seems keep on rising but I for one do not admire you.

  88. NobleBannerBlue Says:

    FHL confirms board changes
    17 JUN 2008

    After the shock boardroom coup last week, the Fijian Holdings Limited this morning released a statement announcing new changes to the board.

    Robin Storck, the incoming FHL chairman said: “The board has today endorsed the appointment of new board members made by the Minister of Fijian Affairs (interim Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama) to fill casual vacancies for B-Class directors on the FHL board.”

    The statement said the board has accepted the resignation of outgoing chairman Josaia Mar and has appointed Robin Storck as the new chairman and Colonel Mohammed Aziz as the deputy chairman.

    It confirmed the new appointments including Robin Storck, Padam Lala, Colonel Aziz and Sereana Qoro.

    These directors were appointed to replace Sekonaia Tui Mailekai, Iowane Naiveli and Asif Razak who have tendered in their resignations as directors representing B-Class shareholders, the statement said.

    Meanwhile, Alice Tabete’s seat on the board has been declared vacant because of her absence for three consecutive meetings without special leave of absence from the directors, Storck added.

    Tabete travelled to the World Netball championship held in New Zealand late last year and did not return. She asked for refugee status to stay in the country, saying she was unfairly being investigated by FICAC for alleged abuse of office.

    Storck said the new appointments would join existing directors Ulaiasi Baya and Isoa Kaloumaira as B-Class representatives on the board.

    “The board also formally accepted the resignation of Isikeli Tuituku as a director representing A-Class shareholders, who has joined ANZ Australia as part of the Pacific Division’.”

    The statement said the board accepted Sitiveni Weleilakeba’s resignation and has appointed Sereana Qoro as the new group managing director for Fijian Holdings Limited, effective immediately.

    “Ms Qoro will take over the position of group managing director from Mr Weleilakeba, who has been with Fijian Holdings for the past 24 years and the board graciously acknowledges his contribution during this period.”

    Storck said Weleilakeba will continue as a director representing A-Class shareholders.

    He further added that Ms Qoro had been seconded by Fijian Holdings Limited to Basic Industries Limited and Fiji Industries Limited for the past nine years and the board felt confident that she had the capabilities and the appropriate experience from within the FHL Group to take the company into its next phase of growth.

    Storck said that the board recognises that FHL has left a legacy for the past 20 years and is now one of the largest companies in Fiji.

    “The decision to recruit from within is a strategic one and has been part of the Fijian Holdings Group’s succession planning strategy.

    “We certainly wish to thank those who have come before us for bringing the company this far.

    “We would like to reassure our shareholders and investment partners that their interests remain our paramount focus as has always been.”

  89. Tui Says:

    Isa lei ko viti. So why the fuss with FHL when Gujarati businesses have been syphoning of millionsof Fiji dollas overseas! I mean Punjas still owe millions to Fiji government. Indian businesses like the bus industries have been lying to Fiji all these years about the profit they have been making. If businesses has been so badly affected by the oil crisis, sell the business! These people still sending money offshore and very little has been done about if. Indian businesses are ganging up for a repeat of the destruction to Fijian Initiatives like the Viti Kabani and Co-operative. Now the only Fijian initiative that was gaining footholds is being subject to a “hostile takeover.” Whatever you freaking call it it is another step in the wrong direction for Fijian business aspirations.
    And who the hell is Ulai Baya? What law firm does he work for and is he same lot of looters and bullshit artists like Batibasaga and Kurusiga,that wanted to set up a commission to look into the the NLC records? Whose business interest are these illegals serving?
    Brother Peceli Kinivuwai, au sa kerei iko, dou activate taka na SDL Youth Wing, sa kena gauna qo me sa caka edau na tayabe vaka i vua tamana. Ke warai, au sa na basika tale yani meu na kerei kemudou tale. You have the contacts and the numbers. Ask LQ to re-think his “non-violent” strategy. These illegals can only be removed by a greater “illegal” force. Waiting for the law to “take its’ course” will only happen when the vores fly!
    Toso mai Viti, sa kena gauna qo meda sa yavavala!

  90. kaiveicoco Says:

    so what now for Sir Sitiveni Weleilakeba will he now go and manage the JAE Fiji full time?

  91. LUVfiji Says:

    @kaiveicoco. excuse the ignorance, but what is JAE Fiji?

  92. Dauvavana Says:

    JAE = “Just about everything” as Keiveicoco would say, “Sa je kia”

  93. Dauvavana Says:


    au wawa tu kei ratou na kai Vereta noqu neighbour me tekivu na vakacuru me sa qaravi na Ravouvou ni Natewa qai teri basika. Sega talega ni basika na Ravouvou mai na Buca Buca Levu ko RRRRR

    Sa mani gunu tikoga o koya na Bete, wekaqu mai Vanuaso….kaya okoya, basika mai na Kai Natewa qo, au sa na teri bete taki koya, keirau sa na lasa madaga…………..man to man qai macala…………..Ragone!!!!

    Ia o Naita IB, na Ravouvou mai na Buca, au sa kaya vei ratou na neitou dressi ni vakacuru mai Verata, o la o nomudou Mataqali e rairai sa lai Mataveitokani beka me vaka ni bogi ni Monite.

    Macawa mai oqo me sa toki mada yani ki Nailuva vei Tukaqu o Jeke na vaqara tevoro qo.

    Ni qai vakarorogo tiko ga mai 8)

  94. natewaprince Says:

    Shooter,drau fire ga kei koya na bete garogaro qori.Vinaka cake na kana laqere.

  95. Dauvavana Says:

    @ NP LOL 🙂

  96. Tuks Says:

    Nodratou kabu sara ga mai Natewa qori na “Man to man….”. Ratou dau dua tani kina ka sega ni dua me bolei ratou kina…

  97. natewaprince Says:

    Tuks,dau tukuna ga e dua na noqu friend,”Against my religion”.

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