Rakesh Outed

Rakesh is a Taukei and blogs out of USP. His/her email address is %$&%^%&*

You can email him/her directly and abuse him/her. Save this site for constructive debate.

Sorry bloggers, while I try and keep all your records confidential at all time, I have to break the rule on this one because I disagree with the fact that she/he used a Hindustani name to incite racial hatred. Something against my principle and I totally abhor the person’s motive here.

May I remind us all that this coup is not an Indian Coup, nor was it inspired by some old boys school club, or certain provinces.

It was inspired and led by some greedy corrupted common lowdown crooks. End of story!

SV Editor

Based on what’s been commented, I have removed email address temporarily as it is a possibility that Rakesh used someone else’s email addy.

This Rakesh has used a USP email address and the ip is

Okay you IT savvy bloggers, is this a USP ip or not.

And Rakesh, anymore gutter comments and you’re outed again! 

17 Responses to “Rakesh Outed”

  1. iceman Says:

    Tobo tale o Van Dam…hahahaha. Vinaka SV. Track taka nodra email add qai ceburaki ira eke….maleka

  2. Lomaniviti Says:

    Are you sure about this or is it someone who just filled in that address to implicate her….because, it is indeed a “her” and she is a lecturer in Home Ec or something at USP. Google that address and you’ll see!

    If it is really who I think it is, boy, she is even more stupid that I thought she was. And that quip about “Rabaku”- hmmm…would she have known from at least that one occasion when she has been seen sitting on his lap…or almost? And the bitter tone on the “single mum” thing…sort of makes sense.

    However, if it’s not her and someone has deliberately impersonated her, then be prepared for some heavy backlash….I don’t think she’d be too shy to take people to task over this! Also, this latter possibility means that anyone can submit an address of someone they dislike and write in the same racially-biased way to provoke exactly the same reaction and response that this writer has. Not good, aye?

  3. bodyguard Says:

    maybe the latest military tactic…thanks SV for exposing that part.

    whose next on the firing line….it seems all those we exposed & screamed against on blogs r quieting down from public life…maleka!! Driti, Leweni, mara boy, tikoisona, ig minsters, etc. the only arsehole left is the Cowardo himself. let be constructive & bring them down.

  4. F Bhaini-Marama Says:

    sobosobo rakesh…..ko iko sa qai ulu lala ka dina!

    inciting racial hatred gives the Military Council a reason to impose PERs and violate the human rights of innocent people.

    inciting racial hatred allows frank to further delay the elections.

    ia oqo, iko sa qai tobo tu….it’s not so funny now, is it?

  5. anon Says:

    That IP address is australian isn’t it?

    NSLOOKUP produces Name sds001fw01-pri-anglican.asn.au for, part of a St Andrew’s Sydney network portal.
    Probably being used as a proxy.
    I’m not sure St Andrew’s would be too chuffed to find its resources being used in such a way.

  6. gemini Says:

    Isa… You bunch of no lifers! What are you trying to do create your own shadow ficac?

  7. natewaprince Says:

    gemini tamata mimi levu.SV,sai qai vo na yalewa maga sika qo.

    ”Out” taki koya mada ,oti ya drau qai ”out”.

  8. iceman Says:

    N.P e sega ni mimi levu….e mimi bona!!!!!!!!.gemini magaibumu..

  9. Na Dina Says:

    This is silly. Shows how lamulamu you and your bunch are.

  10. F Bhaini-Marama Says:

    Na Dina?…na sona ga!

  11. gemini Says:

    NP just out yourself…. Come out and admit you like to suck d!ck. You bloody lamusona!

  12. Ricochet Says:

    SV thats just irresponsible of you. Qori nomu viavia agent vinod tiko…e vacava…backfire. Just cause others don’t agree with your opinions you get all worked up and put out their I.P. addy as well as their email and justify it with lame excuses. If you knew their identity Iam sure you would have published it in the heat of the moment. Look mate, its just a debate. Accept all points of view. Allow for good constructive debate. Its cursers like natewaprincess who cuss most times that you should erase. I know sometimes its funny(nako humor) to read the disgusting words written about our mothers and fathers here but cumon…eventually you’ll only attract dirty mouths and disgusting minds. Keep it real SV. Oh and by the way…I hate what the military has done to our country and Iam going to start another party that will have as #1 on our manifesto…the complete eradication of the army. Now that we dislike Labour as well who are we going to vote for now…SDL? Lets not forget they were not angels.

  13. solivakasama Says:


    I am confused here. Especially on the last bit. What is your point?

    Besides, there are three of us editing this blog.

    You can be one as well if you’re prepared to do the time.

    BTW, lets start a bloggers party 🙂

  14. natewaprince Says:

    Rico and gemini,drau faya.

  15. Ricochet Says:

    Oh the last bit about SDL being angels (NOT), well they were doing alot of things I wasn’t happy about and I was going to change my vote come next election. Do I really need to give examples (V.A.T.,Early release of prisoners with SDL political connections, Agriculture scam etc). Right or wrong..If I perceived it to be wrong then I was going to change the Government with my vote. Who was I going to vote for…I don’t know. At this time noone sticks out for me. I probably was going to give the NFP a chance or anyone who had a credible manifesto and who could deliver. The actions of the military have just made the LQ led Gov look like angels and will drive us all that way come the next election. Anyway whats up with your princess from natewa. She better go back to school so she can string a few proper class 4 sentences together without cussing..nut ga na nut. Send me an invite.

  16. natewaprince Says:


  17. ~MakoShark~ Says:

    the IP doesnt necessarily have to be from USP – remember, USP holds the domain naming for the .com.fj end… so you could be somewhat off the target here 🙂

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