GCC nominees ‘won’t be installed chiefs’

Bloggers, $2 Jo must be really earning his money. 1st time he said all Chiefs have to be installed and encouraged uninstalled chiefs to be installed before the GCC Meeting in June. Unfortunately, some no qare chiefs like Ralogaivau forced his sisters to sign him as their chief, which they complained to the NLC. $2 Jo then threatened they have a Plan B if the chiefs didn’t tow the line.

Going back to $2 Jo, when he didn’t have a quorum for the June Meeting, he lost face and changed it to August but went back on his own word and said they do not have a Plan B, but the chiefs still needed to be installed.

Now, $2 Jo is saying, that Vore’s 6 nominees will be uninstalled chiefs but will be members of the GCC on his discretion. Also if any of the Provinces do not send its delegates, then Vore will invite other chiefs from the same Province instead. How can Vore invite uninstalled chiefs as his 6 nominees, but still insist Provinces to only send installed chiefs?

SV asks then what is the illegal juntas definition of a chief? For instance, Cokanauto maybe a chief, but properly speaking, he does not speak for Kubuna or Ului maybe a chief, but properly speaking, he does not speak for Lau, so who do these uninstalled chiefs speak for?

30 JUN 2008

Six members of the reconstituted Great Council of Chiefs to be appointed by the Fijian Affairs Minister will not be installed chiefs.

This has been confirmed by the GCC taskforce chairman Ratu Josateki Nawalowalo, who told Fijilive the appointments would be at the discretion of interim Fijian Affairs Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama.

 “All they have to be is a chief,” he said.

Ratu Josateki said the new-look GCC would have 42 provincial council nominations, three representatives of the Council of Rotuma and six chosen by the Fijian Affairs Minister – to make up the 52-member council

He said support had been received from Macuata, Serua, Bua and Lau and the team would leave for Rotuma this morning.

Ratu Josateki said the reconstituted GCC is expected to meet for the first time in August.

Meanwhile, Bainimarama said earlier that he could only announce a date for the meeting once he had all the information from Ratu Josateki.


31 Responses to “GCC nominees ‘won’t be installed chiefs’”

  1. Katalina Balawanilotu Says:

    They speak for themselves

  2. Fiji Democracy Now Says:

    @ SV and bloggers: for uyour info the following is our comment posted in today’s Fiji Times:-
    The “election” of Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba (Colonel Mara) as Chairman of the Lau Provincial Council on Thursday 26 June 2008 had a bad fish smell from the beginning.

    Evidence that the meeting was elaborately stage-managed in order to achieve Colonel Mara’s election continues to mount.

    First there was the exclusion of key participants, including former Public Service Commission chief executive, Anara Jale, who was a well-supported and popular candidate for the Chairman’s position.

    Then there was the the removal of the media from the meeting on the direct orders of Colonel Mara.

    Now it has emerged that taxpayers are footing $56,000 bill to fuel two government vessels, the lloilovatu and the Dausoko, to transport 230 presumably hand-picked people
    from the Lau Group to Suva and back again.

    But the bad fish smell gets worse because there’s two official versions as to who footed the transport bill. Director Government Shipping Captain Seci Waqa says it came from his budget, but Colonel Mara said the tab was picked up by the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs.

    At the end of the day, it’s the taxpayer who has forked out $56,000 so that the dictator’s man could have a meeting that was stacked with his supporters but closed to potential rivals for the chairman’s position.

    We at FDN call that corruption with a capital C.

  3. Tuks Says:

    They will all be very little, wannabe, corrupt, fit for nothing and insignificant chiefs.. They will indeed speak for nobody but only themselves and only be interested in filling their own pockets. Voreqe will have no problems finding them from amongst our 14 Provinces as they are everywhere just like the $2 wannabe who is already organising themselves. Only God knows whats in store for us once these little chiefs meet. As expected,they are essential only to rubber stamp Voreqe and Chaudhry’s decision before they are again dumped into oblivion after the same manner as our Civil Servants.
    In fact I suggest we develop our own lists of the prospects and submit it to Voreqe for considerations. I like to start here with the following:

    Ba Province:
    – Rt Sairusi [Nailaga]-“Wannabe” Tui Ba

    – Rt Filimone Ralogaivau
    – Eveli Ganilau

    – Rt Jo Nawalowalo
    – Ului
    – Sau kei Mualevu
    – Takala i Gau
    – Tui Wailevu -[Lovoni]
    – Tui Macuata [?]







    – Ratu Eveli Nailatikau
    – Ratu Manasa Talakuli
    Lets develop this list and tell Voreqe exactly of who the corrupted little chiefs we know. Am sure he will need our input as well…..

  4. Habana Says:

    SV, got this adress from friends http://rawfijinews.wordpress.com

    This people something else. They sound like RFC.

  5. newsfiji Says:

    Hey, the info eminating from rawfijinews is just totally superb…it seems like someone really high up with access to the right information…

  6. Jese Waqalekaleka Says:

    Isa $2 Jo,

    wonder what will history make of him?

    His ‘present’ is already condemned!

  7. Wailei! Says:

    @ Tuks:

    Tui Macuata (?)

    Tui Labasa
    Tui Udu…

    Apparently this was printed in the Fiji Times some time back.

  8. Wailei! Says:

    Sorry on a different note:

    The site: http://rawfijinews.wordpress.com/

    I am not comfortable in writing the comments there but thought I’d chuck it in here. Well, am more comfortable with SV and plus Raw Fiji News is new… so just to be on the safe side of things i guess. lol…

    Quite interesting pieces of work there. Quite true too regarding the abrogation of the Constitution as suspected before. They should also add that once the Abrogation of the Constitution is done. Would mean that the Charter would be LEGAL.

    Sa qai sona ga..

  9. IslandBoy Says:

    Free Advice for NCBBF/Illegal Regime

    The way you handled the Lau Provincial Council has backfired. You have achieved exactly what you were trying to avoid, a rapidly growing population of all Fiji people (not just those from the Lau VKB) standing ever more firmly against your machinations.

    For goodness sake, start doing your homework, if for no other reason, than to save your collectively sorry arses.

    Yes Anare Jale had support. So did Qarase and Bill Cavubati when he stood against the Marama Lailai. That support has not waned, its grown.

    By alienating these supporters you are not going to get them to shut up or go away. They are going to be more vocal and strident.

    Also by kicking out Raivoce, even us mainlanders realise you have not only lost Oneata, you have probably lost all of Yasayasa. And if you think you have 100% support in Lakeba, you really need help.

    Lorrine Tevi stated your PR team (army personnel) have visited over 1,000 villages and settlements and that your support was overwhelming.
    To this we have a one word response: NO! No we are not buying it.

    Just for your own interest, take a quick fire survey of people from Lau registered in the VKB, living in Viti Levu, in the silands and overseas.

    I bet you will not score over 15 – 25% approval rating, if that. Now multiply that by most provinces except Rotuma and all of the Indian culutural organisations.

    Don’t tell us the answer, just take that as your cue to leave.

  10. Keep The Faith Says:

    If they abrogate the Constitution they still need some form of “public” support for their new Constitution which is what they are hoping the Charter will be….so the Provinces and all people need to hold firm and continuously resist it as publicly as they can.

    They did say that 1 option would be to recall Parliament (which is constitutionally the process required) — that’s highly unlikely and risky for them because it will mean they acknowledge to some extent that they are illegal.

    If they really wanted to gauge public sentiment on the Charter they would have held a referendum. But they didn’t because they knew it wouldn’t get the support.

  11. IslandBoy Says:

    @Wailei – Rawnews is OK, its just a little far fetched. FB and Nazhat, come on, that just cheap nasty speculation and does more to discredit a website than entertain or inform.

    Obvioulsy untrue – to start an affair you have to be a bit of a romantic scoundrel, have more than your fair share of cheek, a sense of adventure and daring and a twinkle in your eye.

    You gotta be the man with the slow hand and the easy touch. If you’re coming home with a heaving rush, are stodgy, permamanently irate, humourless premature iject, you will not be having any affairs.

  12. Keep The Faith Says:

    If anything Iyarse could be having it on with the Naz(i) on the Bench.

    Someone in Colonial should check his old computer. Apparently it has some revealing “discussions” on it 😉

  13. Wailei! Says:

    LOL@IB. yeah true on the affair… it is quite far fetched. One looks like a cow and the other a snake.. I mean even mother nature would find that insulting!

  14. Jese Waqalekaleka Says:

    @ Bula vinaka tauvi IslandBoy, as I said, you always have the goodies.

    Keep it up.

  15. Axion Says:

    heard about that affair way back in 2004 from well palced sources…itwas how FB was interfereing in the judiciary at the time…the affair was more to do with power (both ways) & influence than anything else IMO…it was all part of their agenda..

  16. Tebara Says:

    Na wekaqu @ IB ..sa yawa sara na vakamacala ni slow hands kei na easy touch. Tiko vi kedatou ya .. Au kerea me ratou vuli kina vakalevu na Naita na tabana ya .. hahaii 🙂

  17. natewaprince Says:

    So some chiefs don’t have to be installed?? WTF,next they’ll accept people who aren’t chief at all.And then the next logical step is to nominate people who are not Fijians ,like Chodo or slack-arse Khaiyum.
    Then maybe bring your pet dog to the GCC.

    Like some Lau tikina reps don’t have to reside in the islands while others have to ,to be eligible to join the LPC.

    Sa yawa o ranamu.He must get his ideas while in a drunken state at the Union Club.

  18. Mossad Says:

    Unfortunately for Voceke, his running mate was Mugabe……Each and every government & institution out there is aiming to nip potential Mugabe’s like voceke in the bud. So for him & his crew, the noose is growing tighter, AUS & NZ are sending in their foreign ministers, the EU is sending another fact finding mission, 2 in the span of 2 months & I-Arse was quoted on tV as saying ‘it is too early to contemplate the possible steps to legalise the electoral reforms………run out of marbles have we………..


  19. IslandBoy Says:

    @Tebara – the lines are from an old Pointer Sisters song. Kedatou dau kara tu ga vakamalua, kanaka o Bu Tava me kele vakamalua i tai.

    @ Jese Waqalekaleka – Bula Vinaka Tau, me vaka na qaqa ni sere – Keu dau lewa na lako me kua – au sa kerea vakabibi mo ni kua ni qai i Toga Matanisiga na neitou salusalu. Voleka ga o Toga Naqavoka – vacava that.

  20. Jese Waqalekaleka Says:

    @ Tauvi IslandBoy,

    ena vosa kamica e qai tiko mai vei kemuni, sa rawa rawa saraga vei keitou me laki takasa ga yani oqori e Toga Naqavoka.

  21. aubatinuku-N Says:

    $2. Jo Blo comes and goes in a heated rush all the time just to keep everyone guessing.

  22. LUVfiji Says:

    @a-N. E menapause tiko beka o koya, meda laiva koya yani!

  23. aubatinuku-N Says:

    Male meno!!
    @ LUVfiji, is there really such a thing? It would explain a lot about the under duress hangers on aye!!

    No offence intended to the general male population.

    I have’nt really been blogging a lot lately, sa rui vakavutu qavokavoka e levu na ka – the homefront.

    How have you been?

  24. LUVfiji Says:

    Hi.. @ a-N. Have been great, thanks. Please take it easy.. me kakua na stress.

    No; was only kidding about the above . Maybe true only for our $2 Jo 🙂

    Yeah, it looks like SV is busy tonight. So lets blog on, ha!

  25. Fijian Says:

    As for Talakuli to be the candidate from Tailevu

    The Great Council of Fishermens’ (GCF) better have 2 standby caregivers to help Talakuli stand and sit every time during the meeting. Well to make it simple the Fisherman from Kiuva can redesignate the GCF to a nursing home.

    2 NP..daru story mada va Kasavu Savusavu….na kena leqa gona qo bro…ni ra tiko na chiefs qai lako mai o fisherman me mai viavia chief.

  26. natewaprince Says:

    Falla wanna be chief,nona arse sara.Can be chief ga of the kaidia gang.

  27. Adi Kaila Says:

    what was it again?

    too many chiefs and not enough indians.

    ‘o ira na chief dina era vai vale mai nodra vanua – ra lako yani nodra koro ra curuma sara nodra vale. sega ni macala mada e so vakai $2 kei ira na ‘pretenders’ tu nodra vale mai na koro se warai?

    voreqe shouldn’t even encourage this as we all know they did not have a ‘family’ home in Kiuva until it was built from Relief Housing – what’s that family home called ‘cagilaba’ or ‘daulaba’? Whatever it is the home belongs to the people of Fiji so anyone can walk in there and bunk down as it was not built from their own money – we should encourage backpackers to go there and also bunk down in melis ‘house’ as well – there’s no end to voreqes shamelessness. Is there something in the water?
    Or has the pact with the tevoro given them the courage to be so uncouth and disrepectful of the very traditions we hold dearly.

    $2 jo wouldn’t have the guts to tout this much maligned interferrence with our traditions and cultural mores

  28. Adi Kaila Says:

    sorry – clicked too quickly there………

    $2 wouldn’t have the guts to tout this much maligned interference with our traditions and cultural mores without direct instructions from voreqe and co forever distorting the truth to try to maintain their illegal stance in this Nation.

    They can spew their rhetoric all they want but it will not change our collective minds about what we want and what we want is for them to make a speedy exit and for the PRIME MINISTER LAISENIA QARASE back in the seat to move Fiji forward.

  29. kaiveicoco Says:

    $2 Nawalowalo though certainly does not and cannot speak for Kadavu.we have shown at the recent Kadavu Provincial elections how to topple him upside down legs and everything in between in a legal manner and through the secret ballot box.Moce Jo !!

  30. 46664 Says:

    Can anyone please tell me why Mr Jo Nawalowalo is being named $2 Jo???

  31. ellefy Says:

    SE mimi moce jiko gona o $2 Jo…WTF is wrong with him..sa qai puppet sara ga.

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